The Delhi High Court on Thursday asked its registry to informed former Team India cricket captain MS Dhoni about a defamation suit being filed against him by his two former business partners.

The plaintiffs, his former business partners- Mihir Diwakar and his wife Soumya Das have approached the High Court seeking a permanent injunction and damages against Dhoni, several social media platforms and media houses and thereby restraining them from making, publishing and malicious statements against them.

However, Justice Prathiba M Singh, who was hearing the matter, was informed that Dhoni has not been served with the plea by the plaintiffs. “It is deemed appropriate to direct intimation to defendant no. 1 (Dhoni) of filing of the present suit. Let the registry issue an email to defendant no. 1 at the email address. The intimation be also given at the law firm representing him,” the judge noted.

The Court listed the matter for further hearing on January 29 and asked the plaintiffs to file court fees within a week.