The Delhi government on Tuesday set up an inquiry committee to probe an incident where a teacher allegedly made pejorative remarks against a particular community in a school in east Delhi’s Gandhi Nagar.
An inquiry committee has been set up to look into this matter. Guidelines are also being issued to all teachers and principals for ensuring non-discrimination along lines of religion, caste, region, language, etc.,” said a government official.
Deputy Commissioner of Police (Shahdara) Rohit Meena said police have counselled the students and booked the teacher.
“Now we are in the stage of collecting maximum evidence, and based on the evidence, we will take suitable action. We will examine her soon,” Meena said.
According to Hasibul Hassan, a former councilor, said the incident took place on August 23, and it was he who informed the police after he was approached by the parents’ of the students. “As soon as the parents told me, I reached the school. I met the principal and informed the local police.
A class teacher says which religion is good and which is bad. What can be more shameful than this? Strict action should be taken against such teachers,” Hassan said.
A woman, whose son is also a student of the same school, said the teacher’s remarks were absolutely wrong and she should be removed from the school.
Gandhi Nagar MLA Anil Kumar Bajpai said a teacher’s responsibility is to give good education to kids and not create division among them.