The Arvind Kejriwal-led Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) government approved 100 projects worth Rs 93 crore on Friday, October 11, 2024, aimed at boosting development in Delhi’s villages. The decision was made during a meeting of the Delhi Gram Vikas Board, chaired by Delhi’s Development Minister, Gopal Rai, at the Delhi Secretariat.

The Delhi Gram Vikas Board cleared 100 schemes to enhance infrastructure in the capital’s rural areas. These projects, costing Rs 93 crore, will focus on roads, drainage systems, water bodies, community centers, parks, crematoriums, and playgrounds. Officials were instructed to ensure timely completion of these initiatives. Concerns about pending and new proposals were raised during the meeting. In response, Gopal Rai reiterated that the government had formed the Delhi Gram Vikas Board to accelerate the development of Delhi’s villages. He emphasized the approval of 100 new projects, aiming to enhance amenities in rural areas. Additionally, department officials were directed to process the related files within the stipulated timeframe.

The Development Minister reaffirmed the government’s commitment to improving basic amenities for both urban and rural residents of Delhi. He announced that 100 benches would be installed in larger villages, with 20 benches in smaller ones. These development projects, under the Development Department, will be executed by the Irrigation and Flood Control Department in coordination with the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD).