Delhi Police on Tuesday filed a case against a government school teacher for allegedly using derogatory “religious words” against a few students. Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) of Shahdara, Rohit Meena told ANI, “We have received a complaint about a school teacher using some religious words in front of students. Our Juvenile Welfare Officer along with counsellors are counselling the students. It is a Government school.” He added that legal action will be taken. “With true facts, we will register a case with appropriate sections,” the police official said earlier.
The police later said that it has begun an investigation after registering a case under Section 153A and other sections at the Gandhinagar Police Station.
The incident was reported from a school in Gandhinagar area of the city after students on August 23 alleged that a school teacher used slurs against them in the classroom.
The students recounted the incidents to their parents after reaching their homes, following which the parents lodged a complaint at the police station.
“Two of my children study here – one in standard 7 and the other in standard 4. If the teacher goes unpunished, other teachers will get emboldened and they will speak things like “hamare deen ke nahi hain (not from our faith),” a woman told ANI.
“They should be told to just teach and not speak on things about which they have no knowledge…There is no use of a teacher who creates differences among students. We demand that the teacher be removed from the school, she should not teach in any school because she will do the same wherever she goes,” the parent said.
The development follows the outrage over a viral video purportedly showing a school teacher instructing students to take turns to slap a classmate from the minority community at a school in Muzaffarnagar in Uttar Pradesh.
Police have taken cognisance of the matter and an FIR has been lodged in connection with the alleged incident.
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