Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s interim bail granted by the Supreme Court has been met with gratitude from his wife, Sunita Kejriwal. In a tweet, she expressed thanks to the public, attributing the development as “the victory of democracy.” This legal development follows specific conditions set by the court, marking a notable moment in the ongoing legal proceedings involving the Chief Minister.

“Hanuman ji ki jai 🙏 Yeh loktantra ki jeet hai. Lakhon aur karodon logon ki duaon aur aashirvaad ka fhal hai. Sabhi ko koti koti dhanyawaad 🙏 “, (Hanuman ji ki jai 🙏 This is the victory of democracy. It is the result of the prayers and blessings of millions of people. Many thanks to everyone 🙏) Sunita tweeted on X, (formerly Twitter)