Monsoon season in Delhi has finally arrived, with its cool weather and low temperature. Thus, bringing major relief to residents from the sweltering heat.

However, this season has brought loads of issues in their wake, like issues of waterlogging and long traffic jams. As a result, muds and water slowly get collected in cars, subsequently causing rust and making the four-wheeler vehicle stalled.

In order to prevent these situations, here are some easy tips, through which you can make your car waterproof.

1. Keep Your Tyres Safe

  • In order to keep your car’s important part safe, First, Maintain a proper pressure in your car Tyres.
  • Continue to replace old and worn-out tyres.
  • Or talk to expert regarding tyres, which are suitable for monsoon conditions.

2. Maintain Cleanliness Inside The Car

  • Continuously clean your cars floor mats & seats to eliminate dirt and moisture.
  • Most easy solution, utilize waterproof mats.
  • Make sure that windows & door are properly sealed, as unsealed windows & door can cause leakage.
  • In case you are driving, change the direction of AC towards windshield, in order to maintain visibility.
  • Check the car thoroughly for any caused damage due to water.
  • Thoroughly check wiper blades for any presence of cracks or any other issue. If there is an issue, change the blades to ensure proper visibility in the rain.
  • And Lastly, utilize defroster to remove fogs from windows.

3. Apply These Additional Tips To Keep Your Car Monsoon-Proof

  • Ensure Your Car is rust-free and if buying a car, get anti-rust coat.
  • Check if the car brakes are safe or not, as water can potentially get inside the brakes.
  • However, if you are in road, drive the car in slow speed. As it can save car engines from water splash.
  • But if stuck in waterlogged area, try to apply force on the brakes many times while driving, as it can create a lot of heat in brake rotors. Thus, acquiring a lot of stopping power in critical situation.
  • But the easiest and the safest option to apply during this monsoon season, is check map apps and follow Delhi Traffic Police handles to look for traffic jams spots and keeping a lookout of waterlogging areas, before taking your car out.
  • For further details, call Delhi Traffic Police at this number- 011-25844444 or use 1095 in case of emergency.