The Rouse Avenue Court of Delhi on Monday extended the Central Bureau of Investigation’s five-day remand of journalist Vivek Raghuvanshi and his associate ex-Navy Commander Ashish Pathak for allegedly sharing information sensitive to national security with foreign countries. The Chief Metropolitan Magistrate (CMM) Anjani Mahajan on Monday after noting the submissions of CBI further extended the remand of Vivek Raghuvanshi and Ashish Pathak. They were earlier produced before the Court on 17 May, 2023, and from then, they were on CBI remand.
CBI earlier, said the arrests have been made in an ongoing investigation of a case registered under Section 3 of the Official Secrets Act r/w Section 120-B of the Indian Penal Code, the CBI stated in a statement. The CBI had registered the said case on December 9, 2022, against a person for alleged involvement in the “illegal collection of sensitive information including the minute details of the DRDO defence projects and their progress.