A Delhi court on Thursday deferred the hearing of the alleged money laundering case involving actress Jacqueline Fernandez and conman Sukesh Chandrashekhar case for December 12.  The hearing for the alleged money laundering case took place today in the early morning hours at the Patiala House Court involving conman Sukesh Chandrashekhar.

Earlier, on November 15, she was granted bail by a Delhi court in connection with the case. while granting bail to the actress, the Delhi Court said that it is yet to be investigated that the gifts she received from conman Sukesh are proceeds of crime or not. The actress was entitled to relief as she was not arrested during the investigation in the case, the court ruled.

Special judge Shailendra Malik observed that economic offences are more serious because of money laundering, to the tune of Rs 200 crore in the present case, as they affect not only the economy but also the confidence of the general public. “To my mind, it cannot be taken to assume that the accused applicant try to be free away from India,” the court said.

The court also said such apprehensions raised on behalf of the ED are of no relevance now as her passport is with the investigation agency.