Delhi’s Rohini court has awarded a compensation of Rs 1.54 crore to the parents of a doctor who died in a road accident which occurred after a speeding truck suddenly applied brakes. Motor Accident Claim Tribunal (MACT) Judge Ekta Gauba Mann awarded the compensation after hearing submissions of the parents of Dr Ghufran Alam, the driver of the truck, the owner and the Insurance company with which the truck was insured. The incident took place in Bawana Area in the year 2017. The deceased doctor was around 31 years of age. Nouman Alam and Musarrat Jehan, the parents of Ghufran Alam had moved the petition in 2018 seeking compensation. They originally belong to Bihar’s Araria. The court considered the petition and awarded a compensation of Rs 1,54,09,000 to the parents of the deceased.
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