Delhi Congress president Arvinder Singh Lovely on Wednesday held a meeting of party’s social media volunteers and said they will strengthen the outreach of the media by enrolling more such volunteers ahead of the Lok Sabha elections.
“Social media plays a very crucial role in taking the message of the Congress party to the people, particularly the young people. Our social media volunteers are the ground level warriors of the Congress party, who can make a great difference in taking the party’s message to a large number of people,” Lovely said.
“Congress will strengthen the outreach of the social media by enrolling more committed young people as social media volunteers,” he added. Others leaders who were present at the meeting were Congress social media head and spokesperson Supriya Srinate, Jitender Kumar Kochar and AICC national social media convener Ruchika Chaturvedi.
Srinate, chairperson of the AICC Social Media Department, said social media volunteers are as important as a block or district Congress worker. “The young volunteers have been working very hard, like any conscious Congress worker, to spread the party’s stand on various issues. They are as important as a block or district Congress worker,” Shrinate said.