Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Wednesday thanked former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and several other leaders for their support in rejecting and voting against the GNCTD (Amendment) Bill, 2023.
“I write to you expressing gratitude on behalf of the 2 crore people of Delhi for your party’s support in rejecting and voting against the GNCTD (Amendment) Bill, 2023,” CM Kejriwal wrote in a letter to Manmohan Singh.
Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal penned a letter to Mallikarjun Kharge, the national president of the Congress party, as well as to Rahul Gandhi, expressing his gratitude for their backing “on behalf of the people of Delhi” for voting against the Services Bill. “We look forward to your continued support in the fight against forces that are undermining the Constitution, Kejriwal said.
Parliament had on Monday passed the Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi (Amendment) Bill, 2023, that gives the central government control over bureaucrats in the Delhi government, with the Rajya Sabha approving it with 131 votes in favour and 102 against.
“I write to you expressing gratitude on behalf of the 2 crore people of Delhi for their party’s support in rejecting and voting against the GNCTD (Amendment) Bill, 2023,” the AAP national convener said in his letter.