Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has targeted Chief Minister Khattar’s statement of giving free college education to daughters of families with annual income up to 1 lakh 80 thousand. Attacking on CM Khattar’s statement he said that education should be free for everyone, it should be completely free and it should be good. Every child who is born in this country has the right to get good and free education.

At the same time, state president and Rajya Sabha MP Dr. Sushil Gupta said that Chief Minister Khattar is afraid of the popularity of AAP and Arvind Kejriwal. Seeing the education revolution in Delhi, the people of Haryana are also demanding schools like Delhi and free education.

Chief Minister Khattar could not do anything for education in Haryana in nine years of elections, so he is suddenly making an election announcement on education in Haryana. Today, when defeat is visible in the election, then education system of the state is being remembered.

Gupta added that Khattar has been sitting on the CM’s chair for the last 9 years. Then why did they not take any steps regarding the education system. CM Khattar is talking about free education, while the basic facilities in Haryana government are lacking and the condition of government schools is bad. Drinking water facility is not available in 131 government schools of the state. 236 schools do not have electricity connection. 538 schools do not have separate toilets for girls and 1047 schools do not have boys toilets. Apart from this, 8240 classrooms are needed for students and more than 30,000 teacher posts are lying vacant.

At the same time, Senior Vice President Anurag Dhanda said that while criticizing the announcement made by the CM regarding the free education of daughters of families with an annual income of up to 1 lakh 80 thousand, he said that free education is everyone’s right, it should not be limited. Education should be free for everyone, it should be completely free and it should be good. Every child born in this country has the right to get a good education.

Everyone is getting free education and health facilities under Aam Aadmi Party government. He said, how do the poor children move forward? He said that the people of the state gave Congress 25 years and BJP 9 years to improve the system.