The Delhi unit of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Wednesday, March 27, 2024, submitted a complaint against Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and demanded an inquiry into notes and letters that are being circulated by Delhi government ministers. “Delhi Police should, in the public interest, inquire into the matter and bring the truth of the misleading letters to the public domain,” said the Delhi BJP chief.
On Wednesday, Delhi BJP chief Virendra Sachdeva met Delhi Police Commissioner Sanjay Arora and submitted a complaint demanding an inquiry into notes and letters being circulated by Delhi Government Ministers Atishi Singh and Saurabh Bhardwaj in the name of CM Arvind Kejriwal. Sachdeva was accompanied by Delhi BJP Media Head Praveen Shankar Kapoor, Spokesperson and Advocate Amit Tiwari, Media Relations Head Vikram Mittal, and Advocate Shoumendu Mukherjee.
Further, Sachdeva apprised the Police Commissioner that Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal is under the custody of the investigative agency Enforcement Directorate, and lawfully, he cannot issue any note or letter to any minister or person, but every other day, ministers of Arvind Kejriwal show up in press conferences with letters written to them by the Chief Minister. However, the investigation agency has denied that it hasn’t allowed Arvind Kejriwal any access to a pen, paper, or computer; hence, the letters being shown by ministers are suspicious and fake.
Sachdeva further demands that Delhi Police should, in the public interest, inquire into the matter and bring the truth of the misleading letters into the public domain.