Delhi Police and Gujarat Police, in a joint operation on Sunday, seized 518 kilograms of cocaine worth Rs 5,000 crore, following the policy of “Zero Tolerance against Drugs” and the “Nasha Mukt Bharat Abhiyan.”
The raid took place at a pharmaceutical company in Ankleshwar, according to a statement released by Delhi Police’s Special Cell and Gujarat Police.
Within just two weeks, law enforcement agencies have made significant drug seizures in Delhi and Gujarat, confiscating a total of 1,289 kilograms of cocaine and 40 kilograms of high-quality hydroponic marijuana originating from Thailand, with an estimated value of around Rs 13,000 crore.
In an earlier drug bust, the Special Cell of Delhi Police seized 562 kilograms of cocaine and 40 kilograms of hydroponic marijuana during a raid on October 1 at a warehouse belonging to Tushar Goyal in Mahipalpur.
Further investigation led to the discovery of an additional 208 kilograms of cocaine at a shop in Ramesh Nagar, Delhi, on October 10. Law enforcement officials reported that the narcotics were linked to an organization that had sourced them from the pharmaceutical company in Ankleshwar, according to PTI sources.
Also read: Hindutva Groups Felicitate Gauri Lankesh Murder Accused Out on Bail in Karnataka
Meanwhile, in a separate crackdown on drug smuggling, police arrested four associates of Shahi Mahatma, an interstate drug racket kingpin, in Shimla. The suspects—Ashish, Sikander Thakur, Kulwant, and Nareh Kumar—were involved in Mahatma’s operations, which allegedly ran under the cover of an apple business for five to six years. Mahatma, arrested in September 2024, reportedly had connections with Nigerian and other drug gangs. Police revealed that he avoided direct contact with his associates. Authorities also uncovered financial transactions amounting to Rs 2.5-3 crore over the past 15 months following the seizure of 465 grams of chitta.
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