Delhi’s air quality has deteriorated again, with the Air Quality Index (AQI) slipping back into the ‘severe’ category at 427 by 7 am on Sunday, after briefly improving to ‘very poor.’ The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) classifies an AQI between 401 and 450 as ‘severe,’ with PM2.5 being the primary pollutant.

In addition to the ongoing cold wave, thick smog covered the national capital on Sunday morning. The minimum temperature at 7 am was recorded at 8°C, and it is expected to remain around that mark for the day. The maximum temperature is predicted to reach 24°C.

With temperatures dropping, people without homes were seen seeking shelter in camps and tents set up across the city. The air quality has been steadily worsening since last Sunday, exacerbated by reduced wind speeds, marking the worst air quality in Delhi since December 2021.

The 24-hour average AQI on Saturday was recorded at 370, categorized as ‘very poor.’ Both Thursday and Friday saw AQI levels surpass 400, reaching the ‘severe’ range.

Under the Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP) Stage 3, restrictions are in place due to the ‘severe’ AQI levels. Health experts are advising people, especially senior citizens, children, and those with respiratory conditions, to stay indoors and avoid unnecessary outdoor activities.

The India Meteorological Department (IMD) forecasts light rain or drizzle for Monday, December 23, with temperatures ranging from 7°C to 22°C. For Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, dense fog and moderate fog are expected, with minimum temperatures hovering around 8°C.