In a tragic incident on Saturday, three UPSC Aspirants lost their lives after being trapped in the flooded basement of a coaching center in Old Rajendra Nagar, Delhi. The victims were identified as Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) aspirants: Shreya Yadav from Ambedkar Nagar, Uttar Pradesh; Tanya Soni from Telangana; and Nivin Dalwin from Ernakulam, Kerala.
The Delhi fire department received an emergency call about waterlogging at Rao’s IAS Study Centre and the Karol Bagh area around 7 pm on Saturday. The call indicated that two or three students were trapped in a flooded basement. Upon arrival, rescue teams from the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) and local police found the basement inundated with water.
Initial efforts to pump out the water were hindered by continuous rain, but once the road water receded, the teams managed to reduce the water level from 12 feet to eight feet. The bodies of the three students were then recovered and sent to the RML mortuary.
At the time of the incident, around 30 students were present in the coaching center. Twelve to fourteen students were rescued and taken to a hospital, while others managed to escape on their own. The rescue operation has since been completed.
The Delhi police have detained the owner and coordinator of the coaching center and registered a criminal case over the deaths of the students. An inquiry will be conducted to determine how the water entered the basement and why a class was being held there despite the flooding.
Delhi Mayor Shelly Oberoi has directed the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) Commissioner to take strict action against coaching centers across Delhi that violate building bye-laws by conducting commercial activities in basements. An immediate inquiry will be conducted to identify any MCD officers responsible for this tragedy. Mayor Oberoi emphasized that the strongest possible action will be taken against any officials found guilty.
This tragic event has highlighted the need for stringent safety measures and adherence to regulations to prevent such incidents in the future. The inquiry is expected to provide further insights into the lapses that led to this devastating loss of life.
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