Delhi Police has maintained high alert status based on intelligence reports and kept strict vigil on firecracker use. As many as 377 teams of Delhi Police and government officials have been put in place to ensure that there is a blanket ban on the sale and usage of firecrackers during Diwali.

Legal action would be taken against those caught bursting crackers during the festival, said a senior police officer while speaking to PTI. Officers would also be in plain clothes to ensure the ban is complied with. The Delhi government had on October 14 imposed the prohibition, banning the production, storage, sale, and use of firecrackers till January 1.

The city has been on a high alert since 20 October after a blast that damaged property near CRPF school in Rohini’s Prashant Vihar area, though nobody got injured. Police personnel would be present in greater number at crowded markets where celebrations for Diwali were scheduled, including Chandni Chowk, Sarojini Nagar, Lajpat Nagar, Greater Kailash, Azadpur, and Ghazipur.

Security arrangements have been made especially in markets, malls, vital installations and crowded places. Police visibility has been enhanced through intensified patrolling and deployments of extra pickets. All staff are on high alert to thwart any untoward incident,” Deputy Commissioner of Police (East) Apoorva Gupta said.

North District DCP Raja Banthia said, “Police staff has been taking all preventive measures so that these festivals will go on without hitch.” Border area movements too are monitored by the police.

Watchful eyes are everywhere at each railway and metro station with the deployment of additional forces to detect the slightest acts of suspicious nature. Both Railway Protection Force (RPF) and Government Railway Police (GRP) in their patrolling teams are directed to send reports directly on any doubtful behavior of commuters.
“Regular anti-sabotage checks are done on the tracks and inside the markets with dog squads and bomb disposal teams,” stated the officer.

“CCTV cameras are being continuously monitored by the teams, and PCRs were asked to be ready for any situation,” another officer added. New Delhi DCP Devesh Kumar Mahla affirmed that the teams are well-prepared for any scenario, having undergone various mock drills.