The Delhi Police Crime Branch has successfully apprehended a 57-year-old man, Virender Singh, after a prolonged manhunt spanning sixteen years. Singh, the prime suspect in the brutal murder case of a 22-year-old woman, was located and detained by the Anti Gangs Squad (AGS) in Rohini, Delhi. He had been on the run since 2007, the year when authorities discovered the victim’s decomposed remains inside a sealed trunk.
The case, which has haunted the Kalkaji area of Delhi for over a decade, saw a renewed effort in tracking down Singh, led by ASI Ramesh of the AGS, who had been involved in the case since its inception. The breakthrough came from an old photograph on a Tenant Verification Form submitted by Singh in 2007, which ultimately led to his arrest.
According to police during interrogation it was revealed that Singh hails from Vaishali district in Bihar came to Delhi in search of job and in 2001 he entered the flesh trade business to make easy money, purchasing young girls from West Bengal and exploiting them.
The victim in the 2007 case was bought by Singh for Rs. 10,000, when she refused to work due to illness.
Singh murdered her, placed her body inside an iron box, locked it, and left it in the rented accommodation before fleeing to Kolkata.
After the murder, Singh stayed in Siliguri with one of the girls who had worked for him in Delhi. He continued to change locations frequently within West Bengal. In 2009, he moved to Ambala and joined his friend Labhoo in the flesh trade. By 2013, Singh had relocated to Panipat, where he continued his illegal activities. In 2019, he returned to Delhi and settled in Vijay Vihar, Rohini, on the opposite side of the city from Kalkaji. At the time of his arrest, Singh was working as a commission agent, recruiting young girls from Bihar, West Bengal, and other parts of India to work as maids in Delhi.
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