Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Wednesday directed government officials to deal with aggrieved people sensitively and ensure that their complaints are solved in mission mode. He also advised field officials to spend at least one hour every day at public hearings.
Reviewing the functioning of different departments with all additional chief secretaries and principal secretaries regarding the disposal of complaints, the chief minister said the integrated grievance redressal system is an effective medium for easy redressal of people’s complaints. He said it should be ensured that applications received on the integrated grievance redressal system are disposed of on a priority basis.
“Understand the emotional state of the aggrieved person, respect their sentiment, and deal with it with utmost sensitivity. The satisfaction of the complainant and his feedback will be the benchmark for the officers’ performance. Officers should ensure that the problems of the common people are solved by giving top priority to public hearings and conducting them in mission mode,” Adityanath said.
He asked all additional chief secretaries and principal secretaries to visit all divisions in the state in the next two months and review the public welfare schemes of their departments.
“Get the pending complaints resolved immediately and fix accountability. After the visit, submit your report to the chief minister’s office,” Adityanath said, stressing that there should be no exploitation of outsourced employees.