A Dalit journalist in Jaisalmer was reportedly assaulted for his coverage of the sexual assault of a minor boy. Heera Lal Meghwal was attacked allegedly at the behest of Hari Singh Charan, an accused from an OBC community.

Jaisalmer police stated that Heera Lal had been writing about the sexual assault case involving a minor boy for about four months, leading to the arrest of Hari Singh Charan under the POCSO Act.

Bhawani Singh, Deputy Superintendent of Police in Jaisalmer, told The Indian Express, “The accused is under arrest and investigation is underway. On the night of May 12, five people attacked Heera Lal and brutally beat him up. We have arrested one accused while four others are absconding. We are continuously raiding their different hiding places and hope to arrest them soon.”

Hari Singh Charan, the accused, is already involved in multiple cases, including those under the NDPS Act and for physical assault.