Amid the tensions between India and China, Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama addresses the ups and downs between the countries in a public talk. Dalai Lama said, “India and China are the two most populous countries. In recent decades too many ups and downs. India is a democracy and respects all religions. India’s tradition is very good. So young Indians should keep India’s thousand-year-old secular tradition.” 

Moreover, he added, “This world ultimately depends on whole-heartedness. No distinctions between communities and religions. We smile at each other and pray together. India’s concept of ‘Karuna’ and ‘Ahimsa’ is a key thing and we must preserve it.”

Formerly on Monday, Dalai Lama revealed India is the best place to live. While reacting to the Tawang clash, “Now things… Generally speaking, things are improving, I think in Europe and Africa and also in Asia. Now China is also more flexible. Ok. But there is no point to return to China. I prefer India, the best place, and Kangra, Pandit Nehru’s choice. This place is my permanent residence. It’s very right. Thank you.”