Telangana’s Chief Minister, Revanth Reddy, has vowed a thorough investigation into the death of PhD scholar Rohith Vemula. He assured that those found responsible will face consequences, reopening the case recently after its closure in 2019. Rohith Vemula’s tragic suicide in 2016, reportedly due to disciplinary actions at Hyderabad Central University, sparked nationwide outrage.

During a recent statement to ANI, Chief Minister Revanth Reddy affirmed the commitment to justice, stating, “A detailed inquiry will be done, and the culprits will be punished.” The reassurance from the Telangana CM follows a meeting with Rohith Vemula’s family on May 4, where they urged the state government to reinvestigate the case, emphasizing ongoing efforts to seek justice for the deceased scholar.

Radhika Vemula, Rohith Vemula’s mother, voiced confidence in the Chief Minister’s commitment to conduct a fair investigation, expressing hope for justice under this administration. Meanwhile, Rohith Vemula’s brother, Vemula Raja, disclosed that the Telangana Director General of Police has pledged to seek a reinvestigation through a High Court petition. Raja emphasized their belief in the Congress government’s dedication to reopening the case transparently and ensuring a thorough examination of the circumstances surrounding Rohith Vemula’s death.

Earlier, reports indicated that the Telangana Police concluded their inquiry into Vemula’s death, stating he was not from the SC community and died by suicide. The closure report was filed on March 21 by the investigating officer.

However, the Telangana Director General of Police announced a decision to initiate further investigation into the PhD scholar’s death in January 2016. This move followed the recent filing of a closure report by the state police. Vemula, a PhD scholar at Hyderabad Central University, was discovered hanging from a ceiling fan in a hostel room on January 17, 2016. Allegedly, he was distressed by disciplinary actions taken against him by the university.