Prime Minister Narendra Modi took a dig at Congress leader Rahul Gandhi during a public address in Nanded, suggesting that Rahul Gandhi might face defeat in Wayanad similar to his loss in Amethi after the 2019 Lok Sabha polls. Modi remarked, “The crisis for Congress’ Shehzada is apparent in Wayanad. After the voting concludes on April 26, they may find him a new safe seat, just like in Amethi.”
Encouraging party workers, Modi emphasized the importance of perseverance, stating, “Even if you anticipate defeat, continue working for democracy. Opportunities will arise sooner or later.”
He highlighted the rejection of the INDIA bloc in the first phase of elections, alleging, “The voters have seen through the self-serving motives of the INDI Alliance. Despite their claims, Congress leaders have conceded defeat even before the polls, evident from some contesting through the Rajya Sabha route.”
Modi also credited his government for preserving Sikh traditions, citing initiatives such as the Kartarpur corridor and tax exemptions for langar. He accused the Congress of opposing the Citizenship Amendment Act, claiming it was a form of revenge against Sikhs for the 1984 incidents.
Reflecting on his government’s efforts, Modi stated, “We spent considerable time rectifying the Congress’ mistakes. In the next five years, our aim is to propel Nanded and Maharashtra forward.”
He commended first-time voters and expressed gratitude to all participants in the first phase of elections, noting a significant support for the NDA.
In the upcoming polls, Modi seeks a third term, while the opposition bloc, INDIA, aims to challenge the BJP’s authority. Results will be announced on June 4, following the seven-phase polling process, with the second phase scheduled for April 26 and subsequent phases in May and June.
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