The Tamil Nadu state secretary of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) or CPI(M), K Balakrishnan, announced a black flag demonstration against Governor RN Ravi on 2 November in Madurai. The Governor is scheduled to attend the convocation ceremony at the Madurai Kamaraj University (MKU) on Thursday.
On Tuesday, the Joint Action Council of College Teachers (JAC) requested Ravi to give his approval for the conferring of a doctorate on freedom fighter and Communist leader N Sankaraiah by the Madurai Kamaraj University. N Sankaraiah turned 102 this year.
Though the MKU, Senate and syndicate, had passed this resolution on 20 September, the Governor refused to give his approval. The CPI(M) will therefore be staging demonstration against the Governor on Thursday to meet their demand.
Madurai MP S Venkatesan also stated that the party would stage a black flag to protest the Governor’s decision at Nagamalai Pudukkottai near Madurai on Thursday.
On Tuesday he told the media, “The Governor is acting against the University syndicate’s decision which is against the law and is a blow to the freedom of the university. His attitude is against federal independence and his decision to not give his assent is tantamount to showing disrespect to one of the great leaders of the country.” Venkatesan added that conferring an honorary doctorate on freedom fighter N Sankaraiah would be a “great moment” for India.