A Delhi sessions court, hearing a case of the 2020 northeast Delhi riots, has come down heavily on the city police for filing the charge sheet in a predetermined, mechanical and erroneous manner,” and not investigating the incidents “properly and completely.” The court discharged three accused in the case, and referred the matter back to the police for making an assessment of the investigation done and to take further action.
Additional Sessions Judge Pulastya Pramachala was hearing a case against Akil Ahmad, Rahish Khan and Irshad, who were accused of being a part of a riotous mob that engaged in stone pelting, vandalism and arson on Wazirabad Road in Brijpuri on February 25, 2020.
“All the accused persons are discharged in this case. It is worth mentioning here that this order of discharge is being passed on account of realising that the reported incidents were not properly and completely investigated and that the charge sheets were filed in a predetermined, mechanical and erroneous manner, with subsequent actions to only cover up the initial wrong actions,” Pramachala said in an order passed on Wednesday.
“Hence, the matter is referred back to the police department to make an assessment of the investigation done in this case and to take further action in conformity with the law, to take the complaints to a legal and logical end,” he added.