A Delhi court on Thursday granted regular bail to outgoing Wrestling Federation of India President Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh and the Federation’s assistant secretary Vinod Tomar Singh in connection with the wrestlers’ sexual harassment case.
Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate (ACMM) Harjeet Singh Jaspal, while allowing the bail petition on Thursday, directed the accused persons to furnish a personal bail bond of Rs 25,000 each. The Court also imposed several bail conditions, including that the accused will not directly or indirectly induce the complainants or witnesses and shall not leave the country without the permission of the court.
He shall not leave the country without the permission of the court, the court said.
The next date of the hearing is July 28 for the scrutiny of documents. The court earlier in the day kept the order reserved after the conclusion of the arguments on all sides.
The Court had noted that the Delhi Police lawyer said that he is neither opposing nor supporting the bail application, his submission is only that the same shall be dealt with by law. During the arguments, Advocate Harsh Vohra appeared for the complainants and stated that since Singh has political influence and was the head of the association of which these complainants are a part, bail should not be granted to him.
If bail is granted, it should be done so by imposing strict conditions, and he should not approach the complainants.
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