With modern times, honeymoon vacations have also become a standard among newlyweds with couples planning their vacation immediately after their wedding. Sharing intimate moments of their honeymoon is also common for couples on social media.

A clip of one such couple, who were honeymooning in Manali, has recently become viral. A year-old clip, which had earlier been uploaded, has again gained much popularity after being posted by the couple on Instagram with the tag line “Special dinner in Manali.”

Take a look:

The video contains intimate scenes from the couple’s hotel room, such as a nicely decorated bed full of rose petals and flowers spelling out “Happy Honeymoon Love.” The couple has champagne and two glasses and candlelight setting the mood. The wife is overjoyed and thanks her husband for going to such an extent for her.

Besides the video, the couple also posted a few pictures that capture the romantic atmosphere. The two are sitting on a couch, slicing a cake, and enjoying champagne. Though the post still draws millions of views and thousands of likes, the couple has turned off comments. Despite having been uploaded a year ago, the video is still trending, with many users enjoying the couple’s genuine honeymoon moments.