In the run-up to the Madhya Pradesh elections, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Monday that while the countrymen love him, the Congress is bent on abusing him, but they may abuse him as much as they want because the countrymen’s love for him shatters their abuses.
“Modi catches them (Congress) and seizes their ill-gotten wealth. Do you think they (Congress) should be taken to justice? You love me, and they abuse me. They may abuse me as much as they want, but your love shatters their abuse,” Prime Minister Narendra Modi said while campaigning at Madhya Pradesh’s Barwani.
Pointing out the proceeds of crime that are being unearthed in Chhattisgarh and Rajasthan through the various central probe agencies, the Prime Minister questioned that if these are hard-earned, honest money, they should not be hiding the proceeds under their mattress.
“Look at Chhattisgarh and Rajasthan and see how the piles of notes earned through Congress’ ‘kaali kamai’ are being unearthed every day. Is this hard-earned, honest money? If so, why do you need to hide it under the mattress?” he questioned. PM Modi said that the election will decide the “bright future” of Madhya Pradesh and is not just limited to the tussle between the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the Congress.
“This election is not between the BJP and the Congress. It is going to decide the bright future of Madhya Pradesh. Congress leaders are responsible for pushing MP into a dark well. On the other side, there is BJP, which has pulled MP out of the darkness. The Congress wants to capture MP only to fill its empty coffers,” the Prime Minister said.
PM Modi said that the BJP wants to take forward its mission of ‘Nation First’. “On one side, there is Congress’ character and on the other side there is BJP that wants to take forward its pledge of service and its mission of ‘Nation First’,” he said.