In a shocking turn of events, a convict in the 1993 Mumbai bomb blast case, Munna alias Mohammad Ali Khan alias Manojkumar Bhavarlal Gupta, was brutally murdered at the Kolhapur Central Prison located in Kalamba on Sunday morning.

Preliminary investigations conducted by the Kolhapur police suggest that the incident occurred shortly after the attendance of jail inmates was recorded around 6:30 am on Sunday. Following this routine procedure, inmates were escorted to an open space near a water tank at circle number 2 within the prison premises, as reported by Indian Express.

Reports indicate that a violent altercation ensued between Munna and five fellow inmates when he approached the water tank for bathing. During the altercation, the accused allegedly assaulted Munna, who was involved in the Mumbai Bomb Blast, by repeatedly striking his head with a manhole cover.

According to Kolhapur SP Mahendra Pandit, Munna’s assailants are five undertrials facing charges under sections of the stringent Maharashtra Control of Organised Crime Act (MCOCA). The accused have been identified as Deepak Netaji Khot, Saurabh Vikas Siddha, Pratik alias Pilya Suresh Patil, Sandip alias Bablu Shankar Chavan, and Ruturaj Inamdar.

An investigation into the incident is currently underway as authorities seek to ascertain the circumstances leading to Munna’s tragic demise within the confines of the Kolhapur Central Prison.