On Wednesday, KC Venugopal, the general secretary of the Congress, denounced the raids by the Enforcement Directorate on the offices of Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel in relation to the alleged liquor scam. In retaliation, Venugopal said the BJP was “resorting to cheap tactics to intimidate” and “rattle” the Congress, even though he claimed the party was completely out of the running for the upcoming 2024 Lok Sabha elections.

Taking to X, formerly Twitter, he posted, “Strongly condemn the ED raids on the staff members of Chhattisgarh CM Sh. @bhupeshbaghel ji. Completely out of the race in the upcoming elections, the BJP is trying its dirtiest tricks to intimidate and rattle the Congress. However, we have the support of 3 crore Chhattisgarhis and such cheap tactics will not affect us, but they only show the BJP’s desperation”.
Baghel on Wednesday took a dig at the central government over ED raids at the residences of his political advisor and Officers on Special Duty (OSD).

Mr. Amit Shah and respected Prime Minister! Thank you so much for sending an ED to my political advisor, my close friends, and my OSD on my birthday; it was a priceless gift, Bhagel wrote on X. PM Modi had wished CM Baghel a happy birthday earlier in the day. Taking to ‘X,’ PM Modi posted, “Happy birthday to Shri @bhupeshbaghel Ji, Chief Minister of Chhattisgarh. I ask for his long life and good health. In relation to the alleged liquor scam, the ED conducted searches at the homes of OSD members Manish Banchhor and Ashish Verma, as well as political advisor Vinod Verma to the Chhattisgarh CM.