Congress MP Dhiraj Sahu recently engaged with the media, ending ten days of silence following the seizure of a record ₹350 crore in cash by Income Tax officials from locations connected to him. Sahu clarified that the funds do not belong to him directly, but are linked to the family-owned businesses targeted in the raids. Sahu defended the transparency of their liquor business, which has been in operation for over a century, by emphasizing that the money has no ties to Congress or any political party.

Income tax searches were conducted on Boudh Distillery Pvt. Ltd. and affiliated entities owned by Sahu’s family, spanning Odisha and Jharkhand. The operation resulted in the largest single seizure in India’s investigative history, amounting to ₹353.5 crore. The BJP seized the opportunity to criticize the Congress, with Prime Minister Narendra Modi making a veiled reference to the popular TV series ‘Money Heist.’

Speaking to news agency ANI, Sahu, a Rajya Sabha MP from Jharkhand, expressed his hurt over the allegations, stating that this is the first time such claims have been made against him in his 35-year political career. He clarified that the cash seized was from legitimate sales collections in the liquor business and had no association with political funding. Sahu further revealed that his large joint family, including six brothers, actively manages the liquor business, and their children oversee various aspects of the company. Sahu concluded by affirming his family’s willingness to cooperate with the Income Tax Department and provide clarifications if necessary.