Following his nomination for the Raebareli seat in Uttar Pradesh on Friday, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi expressed a prayerful sentiment. At the central office of the Congress Parliamentary Party, prayers were conducted by Sonia Gandhi, the chairperson, alongside Priyanka Vadra, her husband Robert Vadra, and other party leaders.

The current MP from the Bharatiya Janata Party, Smriti Irani, is being challenged by Congress candidate KL Sharma for the Amethi seat.

In Raebareli, Rahul Gandhi is competing against Dinesh Pratap Singh, a former member of the Congress party who has served as a three-time MLC.

Earlier today, expelled politician Acharya Pramod Krishnam asserted that Congress General Secretary Priyanka Gandhi Vadra was deliberately denied a ticket to contest in the Lok Sabha elections, portraying her as a “victim of family and party conspiracy.”

“I said this earlier that Rahul Gandhi will not contest Amethi. I said this, too, that Rahul Gandhi will not let Priyanka Gandhi Vadra fight these elections. There is a big conspiracy afoot against Priyanka. She is the victim of a conspiracy hatched by her family and the party,” on Friday, Acharya Krishnam told ANI.

Union Minister Smriti Irani suggested that the opposition party had already conceded defeat from the constituency by fielding a “proxy candidate” (Kishori Lal Sharma), indicating a lack of confidence in their electoral prospects even before the commencement of voting.

“I welcome the guests to Amethi. The fact that the Gandhis are not fighting in Amethi shows that even before a vote has been cast, they are losing from Amethi. If they had seen even a glimmer of hope, they would have contested and not put up a proxy candidate,” Smriti Irani told reporters in Amethi.

During the fifth phase of the seven-phase Lok Sabha elections, voting will take place in both constituencies on May 7.