A Gujarat Congress leader, Haresh Ahir, was charged on Saturday for allegedly insulting and injuring a Dalit woman state intelligence bureau official, Reena Chauhan, by pulling the chair out from under her during a press conference in Bhuj, Kutch district. The incident took place at a press event organized by Congress MLA Jignesh Mevani.
Incident Details
Deputy Superintendent of Police AR Zankat reported that Chauhan, who was on duty to prepare a report, fell and got injured when Ahir pulled the chair after she stood up to take a photo. As Chauhan attempted to sit back down, Ahir’s actions caused her to fall, resulting in injuries that required hospital treatment.
Political Reactions
Minister of State for Home Harsh Sanghavi condemned the incident on X, calling the Congress “anti-women and anti-Dalit.” He shared a video showing Ahir deliberately pulling the chair, leading to Chauhan’s fall. Sanghavi mentioned that Chauhan was shocked and depressed following the incident.
Congress Response
MLA Jignesh Mevani defended Ahir, alleging that the BJP government orchestrated the incident to target the Congress party. Mevani alleged that the FIR was a tactic to undermine a Congress worker exposing the home minister, criticizing the government’s handling of Dalit issues.
Legal Actions
Ahir is charged under multiple sections of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita, including voluntarily causing harm to a public servant, obstructing a public servant, and assault with intent to dishonor. Provisions of the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe (Prevention of Atrocities) Act have also been invoked. The FIR stated Ahir’s act was intentional, aimed at insulting and injuring Chauhan, whom he knew from prior events.