Congress leader Pawan Khera announced on Saturday that Congress MPs from both Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha, along with Congress Working Committee (CWC) members, will hold press conferences in 150 cities across the country. They will demand the resignation of Union Home Minister Amit Shah over his remarks about B.R. Ambedkar in the Rajya Sabha.

Shah’s Remarks Condemned

Khera strongly condemned Shah for disrespecting Ambedkar during his speech against the Congress party. He said, “On December 22 and 23, our MPs and CWC members will hold press conferences in over 150 cities. We will demand Amit Shah’s resignation and condemn how he disrespected Babasaheb Ambedkar.”

Ambedkar Marches and Memorandums

In addition, Khera announced that Congress will organize Babasaheb Ambedkar Samman Marches on December 24. These marches will take place at district headquarters across the country. During the marches, Congress leaders will submit memorandums to district collectors, addressed to President Droupadi Murmu.

“We will hold marches at district headquarters on December 24. We will give memorandums to collectors, addressed to the President, repeating our demand for Amit Shah’s resignation,” Khera added.

Congress Intensifies Pressure

Thus, through these various actions, Congress plans to ramp up pressure on the government. The party aims to hold Shah accountable for his remarks and defend Ambedkar’s legacy.