After accusing the Biju Janata Dal (BJD) government of corruption and misrule, the Congress has announced plans for an ‘Odisha Secretariat Gherao’ on February 26. Speaking at a press conference at Congress Bhawan, PCC President Sarat Patnaik criticized the BJD government, stating, “The BJD government has betrayed the people of Odisha. Farmers, youth, women, tribals, Dalits–all sections of the population of the state have been cheated by the government.” He highlighted issues such as farmers being denied Minimum Support Price (MSP) and instead offered schemes like Kalia and Balia, youth facing unemployment and having to seek opportunities in other states, rampant atrocities against women, and the curtailment of rights of Adivasis and Dalits.

Patnaik further criticized the government for alleged corruption, stating, “The best thing that this government has offered to the people of Odisha is mining corruption of Rs 1 lakh crore, chit fund corruption of Rs 20 thousand crores, Rs 33 thousand crores in the Megha water supply project, and Rs 35 thousand crores in the energy infrastructure project.” He also highlighted shortcomings in education and health sectors, citing vacancies in teaching positions, lack of quality education, and inadequate healthcare services in primary health centers and community health centers.

Calling the Naveen government a failure, Patnaik urged the people to remove the corrupt government, stating, “The 26th Secretariat Gherao will be the death bell for this government.” Others present at the press conference included Dr. Biswaranjan Mohanty, Chairman of OPCC Media and Communication Department, and Amiya Pandav, Chairman of the Social Media Department.