Tensions escalate in Madhya Pradesh as the Congress party accuses the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) of removing the photograph of former Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru from the state assembly. The controversy emerged when Jaivardhan Singh, the Congress leader and son of former Chief Minister Digvijaya Singh, expressed regret over the removal of Nehru’s photo and vowed to discuss the matter with Protem Speaker Gopal Bhargava.
Jaivardhan Singh emphasized Nehru’s pivotal role in shaping Indian democracy and condemned the act, stating, “It is regrettable to remove Jawaharlal Nehru’s photo from the House. BJP or whoever has removed Nehru’s photo is wrong.” The photo of Bhimrao Ambedkar has reportedly replaced Nehru’s image in the assembly.
#WATCH | Madhya Pradesh: On removal of former PM Jawaharlal Nehru’s portrait in MP legislative assembly, Bharatiya Adivasi Party MLA Kamleshwar Dodiyar says, “Jawaharlal Nehru portrait should not be removed from the Legislative Assembly. Both are supreme leaders, their portraits… pic.twitter.com/bjarfo1Qu2
Related News— ANI MP/CG/Rajasthan (@ANI_MP_CG_RJ) December 19, 2023
The leader of the opposition, Umang Singhar, raised concerns about the BJP’s intentions, suggesting that they might replace Ambedkar’s photo with that of Nathuram Godse in the future. He remarked, “Their (BJP) effort is to eliminate his (Nehru) thoughts. Ahead, they (the BJP) will replace Ambedkar’s photo with Godse’s photo.”
In response to Congress’s claims, Protem Speaker Gopal Bhargava clarified that the alterations occurred during his last tenure and that he had not given any recent instructions. Bhargava emphasized equal respect for Nehru and Ambedkar, stating, “There is a special committee regarding this in the secretariat of the Assembly; the issue will be sent to it, and then it will act on whatever decision is taken.”
#WATCH | Madhya Pradesh: On removal of former PM Jawaharlal Nehru’s portrait in MP legislative assembly, Congress MLA Rajendra Bharti says, “Both Nehru and Ambedkar are supreme leaders, their portraits should have been displayed in the assembly. It is wrong to remove Jawaharlal… pic.twitter.com/syOn9ePg4M
— ANI MP/CG/Rajasthan (@ANI_MP_CG_RJ) December 19, 2023
Deputy Chief Minister Rajendra Shukla suggested that placing Ambedkar’s photo in the assembly should be welcomed and expressed confidence that the secretariat would decide an appropriate place for Nehru’s photo. Congress MLA Rajendra Bharti criticized the removal of Nehru’s photo and warned against potential future actions by the BJP.
Bharatiya Adivasi Party MLA Kamleshwar Dodiyar echoed the sentiment, asserting that both Nehru and Ambedkar were supreme leaders and that their photos should be displayed in the assembly. He vowed to raise the issue in the House, emphasizing that removing Nehru’s photo was incorrect.
As the political discourse intensifies, the controversy over the photos in the Madhya Pradesh assembly adds a new dimension to the ongoing political tensions in the state.