The Congress party announced the appointment of five special observers, including former Haryana chief minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda, for the upcoming Rajasthan assembly elections scheduled for November 25, 2023. This move is part of the Congress’s efforts to retain power in the state, aiming to defy the trend of voting out incumbent governments.
The appointment of these special observers was approved by the Congress president and was communicated officially. The five special observers chosen for the Rajasthan assembly elections are Mukul Wasnik, Bhupinder Singh Hooda, Jitendra Singh, Shaktisinh Gohil, and Shakeel Ahmad Khan. Their appointment is effective immediately.
The Rajasthan assembly has 200 seats, and the election results are set to be declared on December 3, 2023. The Congress party is gearing up for a competitive electoral battle as it seeks to secure victory and maintain its governance in the state.
These special observers play a crucial role in overseeing the electoral process and ensuring its fairness and transparency. They will likely contribute to the Congress’s strategies and efforts to secure a win in the upcoming elections, as retaining power in the state is a significant political objective for the party. The Rajasthan assembly elections are closely watched for their potential impact on the political landscape of the state and the nation.