In a recent media interaction, Telangana Congress Chief Minister Revanth Reddy made several bold assertions, framing the upcoming Lok Sabha polls as a referendum on the Congress party’s three months of governance. Reddy expressed confidence in securing double-digit seats, citing a potential alliance between BJP and BRS (Bharatiya Rashtriya Samithi). Additionally, he advocated for Rahul Gandhi’s candidacy in Telangana, arguing it would enhance the state’s prestige.

Addressing criticisms of his dealings with corporate entities like Adani, Reddy defended his approach, emphasizing the importance of attracting investments while maintaining a level playing field. He refuted accusations of nepotism, asserting that no member of his family would contest in the elections, distancing himself from the dynastic politics associated with KCR’s family.

Reddy also took a firm stance on demanding resources from the central government for Telangana’s development, rejecting any notion of blind allegiance to the ruling party at the national level. He highlighted the need for infrastructure projects akin to those seen in Gujarat, emphasizing the importance of metropolitan development.

Responding to Prime Minister Modi’s characterization of Telangana as an “ATM” for Congress, Reddy refrained from direct retaliation, instead pointing to alleged corruption in other states. He challenged KTR, a prominent figure in the ruling TRS party, to conduct a hunger strike against certain policies, insinuating opportunism on the part of the opposition.

On governance issues such as Sand revenue and compliance with court orders, Reddy showcased achievements and adherence to legal directives. Looking ahead, he hinted at the forthcoming announcement of Congress’ Lok Sabha candidate list and expressed willingness to engage with the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) on pertinent issues.

Despite facing criticism and scrutiny, Reddy remained steadfast in his convictions, positioning the Congress party as a viable alternative with a focus on inclusive development and accountability. As the political landscape evolves in Telangana, Reddy’s statements underscore the dynamics shaping the electoral discourse in the state.