Bhagalpur, Bihar, is facing mounting communal tension after a recent incident in which a group, reportedly affiliated with a Hindutva faction, hoisted both a saffron flag and an Israeli flag near a mosque during a religious procession. The incident, captured in a widely circulated video, has prompted outrage and concern over communal harmony in the region.

Controversial Flag Hoisting During Kali Visarjan Yatra

The incident occurred during the Kali Visarjan Yatra near Tamtam Chowk, under the Lalmatia Police Station. In the video, an agitated group is seen waving an Israeli flag and hoisting a saffron flag atop the mosque’s dome, while other participants cheer and encourage the actions. The video has since spread rapidly on social media platforms, accompanied by songs containing derogatory remarks about the Muslim community.

Quick Police Response to Prevent Further Escalation

Shortly after the video gained attention, local authorities were notified, and police swiftly intervened to restore order. Officers cleared the procession route and reassured residents, while additional forces, including units from the Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB), were deployed to maintain security in the sensitive area.

FIR Registered; Investigation Underway

An FIR has been filed against those involved, and an investigation is in progress. Bhagalpur Police addressed the incident on the social media platform X, confirming that they are taking legal action based on the video evidence. “A case has been filed, and further legal measures are being pursued,” stated the police.

Public Outcry and Concerns Over Communal Harmony

The flag-hoisting incident has sparked anger within the Muslim community and drawn criticism from social activists, who have raised concerns over the potential for such actions to disturb religious peace. Many have called for a stronger response to prevent provocative displays that could exacerbate communal tensions.

As investigations continue, the incident underscores the need for community awareness and harmony during religious events, especially in regions with a history of sensitivity around communal relations.