Yogi Adityanath, the chief minister, paid his final respects to Aligarh resident Para Commando Sachin Laur on Friday. Laur was killed in a heavy-firefight with terrorists in the Rajouri district of Jammu and Kashmir. “My condolences are with the bereaved family,” the chief minister wrote on his official X account. In their hour of sorrow, we are by their side. May the departed soul find a place at Lord Shri Ram’s feet and grant the grieving family members the fortitude to cope with this loss. OM, Shanti.

Para Commando Laur, who hailed from Nagariya Goraula village of Tappal, Aligarh, was commissioned into the army in 2019 and became a commando in the Special Forces in 2021.
He was posted in the Para II Regiment of the Special Forces in Rajouri.
Sachin attained martyrdom while fighting the terrorists on Wednesday. He was going to get married on December 8.
Earlier, on Friday, a sombre wreath-laying ceremony for four Army personnel, who lost their lives in the encounter in the thickly forested terrain at Kalakote in the Rajouri district, was held in Jammu.

Four fallen soldiers were brought to Jammu, where Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha and senior officials laid wreaths and said a tearful goodbye to their mortal remains: Captain M V Pranjal, Captain Shubham Gupta, Lance Naik Sanjay Bisht, and Paratrooper Sachin Laur.