Uttar Pradesh CM Yogi Adityanath launched a scathing attack on the Congress and Samajwadi parties, accusing them of instigating chaos and threatening to reinstate inheritance tax if they come to power after the 2024 Lok Sabha elections. Speaking at a public rally in Jaunpur, CM Yogi criticized the opposition parties, stating, “They create chaos and stampede-like situations every day.”
Asserting his party’s commitment to secure a resounding victory in the upcoming elections, CM YogI Adityanath expressed confidence in the BJP’s prospects, aiming for an ambitious target of 400 Lok Sabha seats. “We also want (to win) the Jaunpur seat. I have come here to appeal to you,” he added.
Yogi Adityanath warned against the potential consequences of electing the Congress and SP alliance, alleging their intention to reintroduce inheritance tax. Drawing historical parallels, he likened the proposed tax to the ‘Jaziya’ enforced by Aurangzeb, framing it as an unjust imposition on Hindus.
With Uttar Pradesh playing a pivotal role in the electoral landscape, the alliance between the Congress and SP has set the stage for a fiercely contested battle. As per their agreement, the Samajwadi Party is contesting 63 seats, while the Congress is vying for 17.
The ongoing Lok Sabha elections, conducted in seven phases, have witnessed significant voter turnout and political fervor. With two more rounds of polling scheduled on May 25 and June 1, the nation awaits the final outcome, slated to be announced on June 4.
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