As the country enters the last phase of the Lok Sabha elections, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Wednesday exuded confidence and said that slogans like ‘400 paar’ and ‘phir ek baar Modi Sarkar’ have not happened suddenly but due to changes in the country in the last 10 years.

CM Yogi told ANI that on June 4, BJP-NDA will meet the target of ‘400 paar’.
“Today, ‘400 paar’ has become the mantra for the common man. Everywhere you can hear ‘Phir ek baar Modi sarkar- Abki baar 400 paar’. This has not happened suddenly but due to the changes in the country in every sector in the last 10 years under the leadership of PM Modi. This has happened through works in sectors like highways, railways, AIIMS, IIT, IIM, Har Ghar Nal se Jal, and Kisan Samman Nidhi. The sensitivity of the government can be seen through the poor welfare schemes. On June 4, BJP-NDA will meet the target of ‘400 paar’,” he said.

Attacking the opposition’s INDIA bloc, Yogi Adityanath said that these people have made the most mockery of the Constitution.

“The people of Congress and INDI alliance have made the most mockery of the Constitution. Going against the sentiments of Baba Ambedkar, the then Congress had included Article 370 in the Constitution. The work of imprisoning freedom of expression was done during the first Congress government. The Constitution was strangled by imposing an emergency in 1975. Ambedkar used to say that reservations cannot be made based on religion, but Congress continuously tried to carve out some cent from the SC, ST and OBC quota and give it to the minorities, especially Muslims. Congress did the same in Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka,” CM Yogi added.

The Uttar Pradesh CM also criticised the opposition parties for speaking in favour of religion-based reservations.

“Samajwadi Party had written in its manifesto in 2012 and 2014 that it will give reservation to Muslims. In Bihar, RJD’s Lalu Prasad has said that he is in favour of Muslim reservation. There is mention of personal law in the Congress manifesto, which means Talibani rule. Seeing their defeat, Congress-SP are trying to mislead and their intentions will never be fulfilled. The people of India are very aware,” he said.