Yogi Adityanath, the chief minister of Uttar Pradesh, hosted “Janta Darshan” on Sunday at the Gorakhnath Temple grounds in Gorakhpur. After receiving letters from the attendees at the temple, the chief minister instructed officials to handle public complaints as soon as possible. CM Yogi Adityanath gave orders to police and administrative personnel earlier on December 4 to handle people’s problems with the utmost seriousness, sensitivity, and attention and to make sure that satisfactory resolutions are found.

CM Yogi said, “The government will ensure effective solutions to every problem faced by the people and that negligence on the part of officials to resolve them will not be tolerated.”

At the Janata Darshan on December 4 in front of Mahant Digvijaynath Smriti Bhawan on the grounds of Gorakhnath Temple, the Chief Minister spoke with roughly 300 people. He listened to each of their concerns one by one and, at the same time, forwarded their prayer letters to the appropriate authorities, giving them explicit instructions to guarantee that all of their problems would be promptly and satisfactorily resolved. Additionally, CM Yogi promised that no one would suffer injustice while he was in office. Additionally, he instructed officials to take strong legal action against those who violate people’s property rights and take advantage of the weak.

Furthermore, CM Yogi assured people seeking financial help for treatment that the government would meet their treatment costs fully and handed over their applications to the concerned officials.
He directed the officials to prepare an estimate of their treatment costs and make it available to the government as soon as possible so that the required funds could be released.