On Thursday, Yogi Adityanath, the chief minister of Uttar Pradesh, paid tribute to Army Captain Shubham Gupta and announced a government job and an ex gratia of Rs 50 lakh for the brave soldier’s family. The chief minister of Uttar Pradesh also announced in an official release that a road in the district will bear Captain Shubham Gupta’s name in his honor.
“Expressing his condolences to the bereaved family through his official X handle, CM Yogi said the Uttar Pradesh government is with the bereaved family members of the braveheart captain at this hour of grief,” according to a press release from the Chief Minister’s office.
At the Wednesday encounter between security forces and terrorists in Rajouri, Jammu, four army personnel were killed. Among them was Captain Shubham Gupta, who enlisted in the Indian Army in 2015 and received his commission in 2018. The press release mentioned that Shubham’s first posting was in Udhampur. In the meantime, the ongoing conflict between terrorists and joint Army and J-K Police forces in the Bajimaal area of Dharmsal in the Rajouri district, which started on Thursday, claimed the lives of two terrorists.
One of the killed terrorists has been identified as Quari, a Pakistani national and a hardcore terrorist. He has been trained on the Pakistani and Afghan fronts, as per the PRO Defence Jammu.
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