On Constitution Day, Sunday, Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu presented flowers to the statue of BR Ambedkar, the head of the Indian Constitution drafting committee, at Chaura Maidan in Shimla. This time, Chief Minister Sukhu noted that November 26 is a national holiday in India that honors the adoption of the country’s constitution. He made this statement while speaking at an event hosted by the Congress Party Scheduled Caste Department and the Bhim Rao Ambedkar Welfare Society. The Indian Constitution was ratified by the Constitutional Assembly of India on November 26, 1949, and it became operative on January 26, 1950.
“Ambedkar was the architect of the Constitution of India who contributed to promoting social harmony and equality. He worked throughout his life for the welfare and rights of the backward sections of society and the poor,” CM Sukhu said.
He said that the Constitution Day program would be organized as a state function from next year.
While interacting with media persons the Chief Minister said that the state government was committed to providing quality education to the students in the state.
He said that the state government was going to make comprehensive reforms in the field of education from the upcoming academic session and it has also been decided to provide education in English medium from the first class in the schools.
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