Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin is set to inaugurate 104 completed projects worth Rs 800.75 crore across the state via video conferencing on Monday. According to the Tamil Nadu Department of Information and Public Relations, these projects fall under the Municipal Administration and Water Supply Department.

In addition to the inaugurations, the Chief Minister will lay the foundation stone for 30 new projects valued at Rs 1,192.45 crore and will flag off 68 new vehicles for the Tamil Nadu Drinking Water Board and the Chennai Metropolitan Drinking Water Board.

CM Stalin will also issue appointment orders to selectees and meritorious candidates under the Tamil Nadu Government Staff Selection Commission.

He will inaugurate a new building and hostel at the Government Law College in Ramanathapuram, constructed at a cost of Rs 76.608 crore, on behalf of the Department of Law. Additionally, a football and cricket field, built at a cost of over Rs 1 crore at the Ambedkar Government Law College campus in Pattaraiperumbudur, Thiruvallur district, will also be inaugurated by the Chief Minister via video conferencing.