According to Pushkar Singh Dhami, the chief minister of Uttarakhand, industrial companies in the capital have expressed a desire to invest in the state and up to 27 policies have been adopted at the state level to promote youth employment. “We had a conversation with the industrial group leaders in Delhi. They mentioned wanting to make investments in Uttarakhand. Investors can thrive in this state’s ideal environment. We have made 27 policies on the state level which are convenient to industries. This will generate employment for the youth within the state,” said the Chief Minister.
This comes after the Uttarakhand government intensified its preparations for organising the Global Investors Summit this year.

In the nation’s capital, CM Dhami spoke with businesspeople on Monday. According to the Chief Minister’s Office (CMO), Dhami urged businesspeople to locate their operations in Uttarakhand. He mentioned Uttarakhand as the Indian state that is developing the fastest and claimed that its businesspeople are its brand ambassadors. According to the Chief Minister, Uttarakhand is a state that is rapidly growing across a number of industries and is now becoming a hub for investment.

Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has set a target of making the country’s economy USD 5 trillion. Keeping this in mind, Uttarakhand state has launched the Shashkt Uttarakhand Mission to strengthen the state’s economy, under which a target has been set to double the state’s GSDP in the next 5 years. Uttarakhand Global Investors Summit-2023 is being organized by the state as a link to achieve this goal, Dhami stated.