During the budget reply in the Rajasthan Assembly on Monday, Chief Minister Bhajan Lal Sharma made several announcements. He made announcements for almost all sections. Along with this, he also replied to the allegations made by the Leader of the Opposition and the members of the opposition during the discussion on the grant demands. In his reply, the Chief Minister has announced to make a separate plan for further development of Jaipur’s Dravyavati river. Along with this, he announced the development of RIMS on the lines of AIIMS by building a super specialty wing in RUHS hospital. He announced to operation of one thousand electric buses instead of 500 in the state. It is likely that Jaipur can get a large number of electric buses under this announcement.
Along with this, some new roads will be constructed in Sanganer area at a cost of Rs 20 crore. While in Kishangarh-Rainwal, Major District Road No. 81 will be repaired at a cost of Rs 10 crore. Roads will be repaired in about 25 km in different colonies on Agra Road, which will cost Rs 12 crore. At the same time, in Phase-2 of Bisalpur Project Jaipur, a Common intake well with a transmission line will be constructed, which will cost more than Rs 100 crore. While the 132 kV GSS present in Jamwaramgarh Andhi will be upgraded to 220 kV. A lab will be built in Jaipur for testing minerals, anyone can get the test done by paying money. At the same time, the Chief Minister has announced to opening a new government college in Banipark. Along with this, a new trauma center will be built in Raisar of Jamwaramgarh, Veer Hanumanji temple at Samod, Mahengeshwar Mahadev temple, Dant Mata temple, renovation and beautification work of Jamwaramgarh will be done. A new police station will be built in Jamdoli. Along with this, the construction work of the building of Mahavidyalaya Sambhar Lake Phulera will be done.
CM said, ‘Julie’s competition is with Dotasara ji’
Bhajanlal Sharma took a dig at the Leader of Opposition and said that your competition is not with Rohit Bohra but with Congress state president Govind Singh Dotasara. Regarding Julie’s objection to naming the scheme after PM Modi, he said that how many schemes will you name in the name of one family? Along with this, the Chief Minister has announced that the salary allowances and pensions of MLAs and former MLAs will automatically increase every year. Now there is no need to bring a bill every time to increase them. Rooftop solar plant will also be installed on the flats built in front of the Vidhan Sabha for the MLAs.
These people please only one family
CM Bhajanlal Sharma said that the people of Congress are busy pleasing only one family. They bring Indira Gandhi, and Rajiv Gandhi in every scheme. The names of old schemes are also changed and named after them. The CM said that these people work only to please one family. He quipped that how much will you please one family.
Now loans up to 2 crores will be available at concessional rates
The Chief Minister said that under the scheme to set up industries for the youth, loans up to 2 crores will now be given at concessional rates. An announcement has also been made to develop an IT park in Ajmer. Along with this, the marks limit in the Common Entrance Test for government services has now been reduced to 40 percent, now even those with 40 percent marks will be able to give CET. The CM has approved the formation of an Electropathy Board. Its budget has been fixed at five crores. Let us tell you that during the previous Vasundhara Raje government, Electropathy was recognized.
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