Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan of Kerala instructed officials to conduct a high-level meeting addressing the issues related to wildlife attacks in Wayanad on Saturday. The meeting is scheduled to take place in Wayanad on February 20, with the participation of ministers from the Revenue, Forest, and Local Self-Government departments, along with people’s representatives and officials.
A significant protest unfolded in Pakkam near Pulpally in Wayanad, where protestors gathered after the body of a victim of an elephant attack was brought to the area. Allegations were made against the forest department for not taking adequate measures to prevent wildlife attacks. Simultaneously, another incident was reported where a cow was found dead, purportedly due to a wild animal attack near Kenichira.
The locals intensified their demand for immediate action, placing the cow’s body on the bonnet of a forest department jeep. The increasing frequency of wildlife-related incidents in Wayanad has raised concerns, prompting the upcoming high-level meeting to address strategies and measures to mitigate these challenges.
Earlier, Wayanad MP Rahul Gandhi wrote a letter to Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan, urging decisive action on the recent death of a man due to an elephant attack. In the letter, Gandhi expressed concern about the spate of wildlife attacks in Wayanad and emphasized the need for a comprehensive action plan to address the human-wildlife conflict in the region. He also requested the enhancement of compensation for the families of the deceased.
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