In an exclusive interview on Sunday, P Chidambaram, the veteran Congress leader, projected an upbeat attitude regarding the united opposition’s potential to confront Prime Minister Narendra Modi in the upcoming 2024 Lok Sabha elections. He stressed that the leader for this anti-BJP alliance would surface organically in time.
Chidambaram, former Union Minister, emphasised that unity among opposition parties is vital for the challenges ahead, noting Congress’s distinctive role, though he refrained from elaborating further at this juncture. He criticised the Aam Aadmi Party’s (AAP) approach to the Delhi ordinance issue at the recent Patna gathering as unfortunate, emphasising that issues should be addressed independently and at appropriate junctures.
The seasoned politician highlighted several shared objectives among the opposition parties. They are united against the BJP’s socio-economic policies, troubled by stagnant economic growth, escalating inflation, and rising unemployment, and concerned about the perceived erosion of civil liberties and institutional integrity. He emphasised that these shared concerns are adequate motivation for regular meetings leading up to the elections.
On the subject of the leadership question, Chidambaram dismissed the issue as insignificant. He posited that PM Modi’s decade-long leadership is more of a vulnerability than a strength, criticising him for failing to deliver on his promises. The Congress stalwart remained firm in his belief that a unified opposition can undoubtedly pose a formidable challenge to PM Modi.
Drawing a parallel to the 1977 united opposition against then PM Indira Gandhi, Chidambaram stressed that today’s context differs significantly, as a multitude of issues trouble the public, providing a broader platform for opposition unity.
Responding to PM Modi’s allegations about corruption in the opposition, Chidambaram dismissed them as unfounded, pointing out that the public has repeatedly dismissed this view. He challenged PM Modi to inspect his party’s ranks, where he would find individuals previously accused of corruption.
Regarding polarising issues, Chidambaram assured that the opposition would confront these with facts, figures, and ground reality. On the Uniform Civil Code (UCC), he clarified that currently, no formal proposition exists, referencing the 21st Law Commission’s last statement on the subject.
The expansion of the opposition bloc aiming to challenge the BJP in the next Lok Sabha elections is underway, with more parties set to participate in the Congress-convened unity meeting in Bengaluru. The first edition saw 15 parties join, while the second edition anticipates the presence of 24 non-BJP parties.
Opposition unity was a significant takeaway from the first meeting held in Bihar’s Patna, despite AAP’s disapproval over the Congress’s stand on the ordinance issue. The parties collectively committed to a common agenda and flexible, state-wise strategies to contest the 2024 elections.
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